About Me

Hello! I'm Maurice, a passionate developer with a focus on audio programming and hard dance music creation. I thrive in the realm of digital sound design and enjoy pushing the boundaries of audio technology. In addition, I possess the skills to develop websites, allowing me to combine my technical expertise with my creative pursuits.

My journey in audio programming began with a personal learning project called VeNo, which holds a special place in my heart. VeNo marked my entry into the world of audio programming, as it was my very first audio plugin. Through this project, I embarked on a remarkable learning journey, acquiring skills in C++, juce, DSP, and gaining a deeper understanding of audio processing.

VeNo served as a pivotal milestone in my growth as a developer. It sparked my passion for creating synthesizers, ultimately leading to the development of the VeNo synthesizer itself. This ambitious goal compelled me to delve into the intricacies of audio programming, exploring advanced techniques, and learning how to harness the power of sound.

Thanks to VeNo, I have honed my skills in C++, Juce, and DSP, enabling me to develop a diverse portfolio of innovative audio plugins. Each plugin is a testament to my dedication and a reflection of my desire to enhance the sonic experience for musicians and producers. Witnessing the impact of my creations on fellow audio enthusiasts is a constant source of inspiration and motivation.

As I continue my journey, I am fueled by my passion for audio programming and hard dance music. Through merging technical expertise with creative expression, I strive to craft music that captivates listeners, pushing boundaries and igniting a powerful connection between sound and emotion.

VeNo 2017 VeNo started as a project to learn C++ and explore the fascinating world of synthesizers and audio processing.
VEQ 2023 VEQ is a Parallel Processing Equalizer that aims to improve your final sound by adding small touches